North Bend’s estimate of how many people live in the Woods River neighborhood and other areas that joined the city when the land was officially annexed on July 6 was very close.
“We couldn’t have gotten much closer,” North Bend City Administrator Duncan Wilson said.
A special census of the area recently annexed into North Bend has determined that the city added 888 residents. The city estimated 500-800 new residents would join the city after the annexation.
The annexation area included the Woods River subdivision and other properties off Tanner Road east of North Bend. The annexation area was about a square mile in size, and was officially called the Tanner Annexation by city leaders.
The results of the annexation mean that the city is now looking at how it can add two members to its City Council. The council is currently a five-member group, with the option of expanding to seven members. The city plans to add two new members before a 2010 census by the state Office of Financial Management.
“The City Council will be discussing a process to select the new council members at a regular meeting in September,” Wilson said. “Once the process had been determined, we will make a call for applicants. We expect to wrap up the selection before the end of the year.”
The city’s population before the annexation was estimated at 4,760. With the annexation, it is 5,648.
North Bend’s City Council approved a final ordinance annexing the land June 23. It went into effect July 6.
The city recently mailed out letters to residents and businesses welcoming them to the city, and explaining the impacts and benefits of the annexation.
The city also recently received its first application for a business license in the annexation area. Real Estate Consultant Jeri Cranney, owner of Abaco Pacific, Inc., was the first applicant to file for a business license on July 30.
“We have looked forward to becoming part of the city of North Bend for some time,” Cranney said in a press release from the city. “We are really excited about doing business in the city as an active participant in our vibrant community.”
The census of the annexation area was performed by Calm River for a $7,500 contract with the city. The census contractor also collected information on businesses in the annexation area so that the city can begin to collect business and occupation taxes from businesses in the new part of the city.
The business inventory part of the census shows an estimated 130 businesses operate in the annexation area.
Reach reporter Michael Bayless Rowe at or 392-6434, ext. 248.
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