The King County Sheriff’s Office recently received good news on its efforts to identify the remains of eight individuals who have been long termed “John/Jane Doe” homicide victims, Cindi West, KCSO spokeswoman, said March 19. Some of those cases are local. The Bode Technology Group, working under a National Institute of Justice Grant, was able…
Month: March 2012
Dialogue begins concerning truck idling ban
The majority of people who turned out for a public hearing on North Bend’s proposed truck idling ban spoke out against the ordinance, including a TravelCenters of America field manager from Oregon. The TA truck stop, known locally as Truck Town, has been located near Interstate 90’s exit 34 for nearly 40 years. But the…
Collegiate bike race coming to North Bend
For the first time, the University of Washington’s Cycling Club will hold a two-day racing event in North Bend. Devon Simpson, 20, a junior at UW and a cyclist, helped organized the multi-university event, to be held March 24-25. She said she expects about 200 cyclists competing from the UW, Whitman University, Portland State University,…