Snoqualmie Police
No vehicle for you
At 10:28 a.m. Dec. 28, police arrested a man who arrived at the intersection of Meadowbrook Way and Railroad Avenue southeast to retrieve a vehicle.
The driver of the vehicle had been arrested for driving with a suspended license.
As it turns out, the man also had a warrant for his arrest, out of Lynnwood.
He was taken to Lynnwood and turned over to a Lynnwood police officer.
Gun is not a joke, police said
At 9:06 p.m. Dec. 28, police responded to a report of three teenagers carrying what looked like a rifle with a scope or possibly a pellet gun.
Police contacted six teenagers in the 7100 block of Laurel Avenue Southeast.
They told police they were playing a joke on a friend with an nonlethal airsoft gun.
Police confiscated the gun until a parent picked it up.
Identity theft
At 4:36 p.m. Dec. 29, police arrived at a residence in the 36300 block of Southeast Forest Street.
The homeowner told police that while trying to refinance their house, she and her husband noticed items on their credit card statements that did not belong to them.
One was an account from AT&T and another was a Chase account, both of which she had never opened.
Later, the woman discovered that both accounts came from addresses in Florida.
Police gave her an identity theft packet and the contact information for a local agency in West Park, Fla. that could investigate the addresses.
Filed Under Police Blotter