For the eighth year in a row, Cascade Team Real Estate is collecting crayons and coloring books for hospitalized children.
Every year, Seattle Children’s goes through 240,000 crayons, according to the Cascade Team Real Estate website. Amid the medicine and blankets, something as simple as crayons and coloring books are often overlooked, but are just as important to a child at the hospital.
Throughout April, Cascade Team Real Estate will collect crayons and coloring books, and various drop-off locations will be available on weekends.
Drop off crayons from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 20 at QFC North Bend, 460 E. North Bend Way, North Bend, or Snoqualmie Ridge IGA, 7730 Center Blvd. S.E., Snoqualmie.
Learn more at; click on “2013 crayon drive.”
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